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28 March 2023 - 12 April 2023
Lille, France
SIFER B2B Meetings 2023 - International Railway Brokerage Event

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Railways Brokerage event 2023 !

The Enterprise Europe Network North of France and the i-Trans competitiveness cluster organize a brokerage event in rail industry during the 13th edition of SIFER, France’s only international fair dedicated exclusively on the rail market.

This matchmaking event is a unique platform for small and medium sized enterprises, start-ups and larger companies as well as research institutes to find new business partners, initiate cross border co-operations and share innovative technologies in an efficient way.

In addition to the brokerage event, during SIFER 2023 in Lille, Enterprise Europe Network and Team France Export organize special B2B meetings between foreign buyers and french key players specialised in railway. France is a leading country, with an important number of companies specialized in the railway industry, counting on a huge presence of cutting-edge industries in that matter especially in Hauts-de-France.

This edition of the brokerage event will be hybrid combining onsite and online b2b meetings. However, face-to-face meetings will be encouraged during SIFER's exhibition dates and virtual meetings should remain exceptional.

Attendance at this event is free of charge. However, you must be registered to attend to the main SIFER 2023 event for the onsite meetings. Register to attend SIFER 2023.

For whom ?

  • SMEs and multinational companies
  • Institutional and private purchasers
  • Research centers and laboratories 
  • Investors

Topics :

  • Rolling stock - the latest in rail vehicle design & systems
  • Infrastructures - innovation in rail infrastructure technology
  • Passenger transport technology – meeting passenger needs
  • Rail vehicle interior – matching passenger expectations

Why should you participate ?

Meet potential partners or costumers and expand your company’s network within the European railways industry.
Find out about market trends and innovations

  • Find out about market trends and innovations
  • Develop and/or strengthen business relationships
  • Find new commercial and technological partners
  • Establish collaborations with international companies

Closed since 12 April 2023
Lille, France
Organised by
Participants 139
Meetings 197
France 85
Italy 9
Germany 9
Romania 7
Czech Republic 7
Spain 6
Türkiye 5
Egypt 3
United Kingdom 2
Serbia 2
Denmark 2
Switzerland 2
Poland 2
India 1
Lithuania 1
Latvia 1
China 1
Belgium 1
Cyprus 1
Slovakia 1
Austria 1
Greece 1
Tunisia 1
Israel 1
Total 152
Profile views
Before event 4143
After event 279
Total 4422